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-bridging executive functioning skills between school and home-

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Young Family


Family Consulting

Helping families create safe learning spaces at home and at school, while providing tools to support their child's executive functions.

Woman Tutoring Child

Executive Function Survey: Grades 4-10

An informal survey is key in identifying executive functioning areas of strength and need in ALL students.  


Small Group Consulting

Leading groups of parents in understanding and implementing effective strategies to use in their homes and school.

Education Books Bookshelves

Consulting for Educators & Administrators

Teaching executive functions and the important role they play on social, emotional, and academic needs of all students.

ADDitude Magazine Webinar Presenters  Link Attached

Minnesota Education Academy Presenters 2018, 2019

19 time Education Minnesota Grant Recipients

2018 International ADHD Conference Presenters

Minnesota Summer Institute Presenters

Independent School District 196 Union Class Offerings

St. Mary’s, Winona, MN Adjunct Instructors

Hamline University, St. Paul, MN Adjunct Instructors

Health Central Magazine Contributors Link Attached

Home: About Me

About Us

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Maureen Bechard, M.S., is a licensed professional school counselor who has loved working with middle school students for more than 30 years. She has promoted a greater understanding of how ADHD affects the lives of adolescents during their middle school years. In her efforts to educate students, parents, teachers and administrators about executive function deficits, she has found that the strategies that are good for those with ADHD, are best practice strategies for all students.

Maureen believes that all students with ADHD should be supported in their efforts to succeed.   These creative youth can inspire the world to be a brighter, more positive place.

Karen Huberty, M.Ed., has a passion for teaching students with ADHD for the last 20 years. Karen has presented on executive functions within her district, at the Minnesota Education Academy, and at the 2018 ADHD International Conference. Karen has received 19 grants from the Education Minnesota Foundation for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. These grants have allowed her to create and implement best practice strategies for students with ADHD in the classroom.  By shifting our mindset about executive function needs, she believes we can educate students, staff and families to create an environment in which all will succeed.

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Minnesota Educator Academy Attendees

"Experienced, knowledgeable presenters who provided practical skills in a well thought out approach to children and young adults."


"Your presentation and working relationship with one another presented as fluid. Your experience and zest for this topic created instant buy-in for me."


ADDitude Magazine Webinar Listener

"The information you provided not only will help me better understand my DAPE students, but also my own son. As I sat and listened I kept thinking how beneficial it would be to have him in a class like yours.  Children are different learners than

when we were in school, and not just special ed students, all students. You have recognized this and have provided wonderful tools to meet everyone’s needs."

Graduate Class Student

"The class was super helpful with realistic ideas to support teachers in their work with students and families and the presenters obviously have a great depth of knowledge and passion for this work."

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